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RESOURCES: To use at school or home

"The EiE Curriculum is the nation's leading engineering curriculum for grades 1 - 5. Engaging, project-based engineering activities that integrate with science instruction."

~Developed by The Museum of Science, Boston




"The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women."  Visit this site for ideas, activities, contests, and  information on how girls are making a global impact as Engineers.

Students: Engineering activities, videos, and challenges.


Parents & Teachers: "Use DESIGN SQUAD NATION activities, animations, video profiles, and episodes in classrooms and afterschool, in libraries and museums, at events and at home."

~A Part of PBS Kids

Videos, Games, Jobs, Electronics, Software Design, Current Events and much more is all found at

The National Academy of Engineers put together a list of 14 Challenges that are facing the 21st Century.  Engineers across the globe are working to develop solutions to these challenges.  Current information, updates, resources (for parents and students), activities and ways to get involved are found at this site.

"Engineering for Change provides a forum to connect, collaborate, solve challenges and share knowledge among a growing community of engineers, technologists, social scientists, NGOs, local governments and community advocates, who are dedicated to improving the quality of life all over the world."

~Engineering for Change

Brentwood Maker Space 

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